Conflict Resolution Training

Although conflict is among the most basic elements of the human experiences, few people feel well equipped to actually manage conflict well.  If you happen to be one of those people who doesn’t mind a little conflict here and there, congratulations!  And…you can be sure that many of the other people around you do NOT feel the same way.  Rather, the very thought of conflict may tie their stomachs in knots, keep them awake at night, or encourage habits that leave the most important things unsaid.  Diverse ideas and opinions are both they keys to unlocking creative possibilities for growth AND the root of many destructive disagreements.  Given this, learning to disagree without being disagreeable, learning to delve deeply into conflicts and come out with better answers and improved relationships are key skills for the modern workforce.

Conflict Resolution Training for the Small Stuff

oh_dear-cardsIn many cases, conflict at work, home, or school starts with the small things.  From the person who spatters the shared microwave with overheated food to the one who never refills the copy machine with paper, our friends, family, and colleagues are skillfully equipped to do things that drive us crazy!  While many of us may hold the mantra “don’t sweat the small stuff” the combination and culmination of lots of “small stuff” can be extremely annoying.  As frustration builds, cooperation on bigger tasks and disagreements about more important topics becomes even more fraught. Given this, basic skills to raise concerns and resolve them are critically important.  Imagine if rather than having to simply tolerate your colleagues’ annoying habits if you could talk about them and make agreements to avoid those frustrations in the future!  Learn to raise issues in ways that help you be hard on problems but easy on people with easy to remember strategies.  For these situations, Carrie recommends “Conflict and You” or “Basic Conflict Fluency” as good training options.

All of Carrie’s workshops are highly interactive and targeted to address the specific challenges your team faces.  Carrie will work with you to craft relevant role plays and hypothetical scenarios so participants can practice their news skills.  Follow-up meetings can help ensure long-term application of new skills and suggest next steps for long-term development of conflict resolution skills.

Conflict Resolution Training for the BIG Stuff

File_004.jpegEven on well functioning teams, conflict happens.  In fact, conflict may be a sign that you’re doing things right!  Team members who feel passionately about their work and are confident enough to voice their ideas are critically important for success.  And… vocal advocacy, passion, and strong opinions are often difficult to manage.  In these cases, teams need advanced skills for engaging in difficult conversations and reaching wise decisions.  Facilitation and mediation are great tools but many teams need skills to “self-mediate” and work through day-to-day challenges without outside support.

To build skills that will prepare teams to work through conflict in situations like these, Carrie recommends “Advanced Conflict Fluency” or a customized workshop. Carrie loves teaching teams about interest based (or collaborative) problem solving  and how to use consensus to safely and thoroughly explore issues, identify shared priorities, and reach decisions as a team.  Whether you’re working with a team of two or two hundred, Carrie’s workshops can help you move them to the next level.

As with Carrie’s workshops for “the small stuff” of Carrie’s workshops “big stuff” workshops are highly interactive and targeted to address the specific challenges your team faces.  Carrie will work with you to craft relevant role plays and hypothetical scenarios so participants can practice their news skills.  Follow-up meetings can help ensure long-term application of new skills and suggest next steps for long-term development of conflict resolution skills.

Suggested Training Options

Conflict and You   |   60-90 Minutes

In the same ways we all have personalities that drive our habits, so too do we all have a typical conflict style.  In this workshop, participants identify their own conflict styles and begin to see the ways that this style impacts them in everyday situations.  Participants will build awareness of how different styles work (or don’t work!) together on a team and identify ways to support one another accordingly.

Basic Conflict Fluency   |   Half Day

Building off of the ideas of conflict styles and team dynamics in conflict, this workshop builds skills for reaching across styles and managing conflict in productive ways.  Participants build a shared road-map for navigating difficult conversations.  With hands-on practice, participants will build their confidence in their ability to raise and resolve concerns on your team and increase their overall conflict fluency.

Advanced Conflict Fluency   |   Full Day

Go beyond the basics with this full day, highly interactive workshop.  Participants will leave with a clear sense of who they are in conflict, awareness of their team members’ styles, and a large toolbox to help bridge these gaps.  Participants will build shared understanding for what works, and what doesn’t, in managing team conflicts.  Your team will build a shared road-map for navigating difficult conversations and enjoy extensive practice in applying these skills and adjusting their road map accordingly.

Customized Workshops   |   You Decide!   |   $150/Hour

Do you have an idea that you don’t see listed here?  Call us to explore options and build a workshop that is customized for your specific needs.  The initial planning meetings are free.  Hourly rate changed for additional planning time and for the workshop itself.